Saturday, March 27, 2010

I see the finger prints that you left on the entrance of my heart and I see the blood stains you left on the exit

I see the finger prints that you left on the entrance of my heart and I see the blood stains you left on the exit. I have a forgiving policy but, I do not give refunds on forgetting. My past is full of mistakes, but I see it as a learning experience. My reputation is one thing but, my character is what counts. Jen you are a slut and a coward. These are the names I have been called. I see those as just brands people label each other by. It is quite morose how our world can be so cruel. From such encounters I have grown and matured. My self-esteem is higher and my confidence has sky rocketed. I don't see violence as a way to solve problems. I personally have never fought another human being in my life and my intentions have always been good. God said, " love your neighbor". Truthfully their are several people on this planet earth that I don't get along with, but I see that there is no reason to harm them physically or emotionally. Silence tells the truth and being the sunflower in the field of weeds is what I am. I will bite my tongue when another speaks cold words to me. It will only go so far though as well. I hope to set a positive example for others. Peace be with you.

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